Category: Wsus

WSUS Useful Client Commands WUAUCLT.exe

WUAUCLT /DetectNow WUAUCLT /ReportNowWUAUCLT /ResetAuthorizationWUAUCLT /UpdateNow Here is a list of useful WSUS / Windows Update client commands… Force Detection of Updates and Report to the WSUS Server:wuauclt.exe /detectnow /reportnow Windows Update Log (Checking Errors/Process Status):%WINDIR%\WindowsUpdate.log Cleanup all cached files and force detection:net stop wuauservrmdir /S /Q C:\winnt\softwaredistributionnet start wuauservwuauclt.exe /resetauthorization /detectnowDelete winhttpproxy settings:proxycfg -d […]

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