Using AWS Creds from Jenkins Creds Store
Pre-requisites You can store your AWS keys securely in Jenkins credentials. If you want to interact with AWS from your Jenkins server, you can store your AWS IAM user keys securely in Jenkins rather than openly using the keys in your Jenkins Pipeline. “CloudBees AWS Credentials” Jenkins plugin allows storing AWS IAM user credentials within the Jenkins Credentials API. We […]
Restore from AWS-Backup Service – Example on EFS Service
This article regarding best practices to restore backup points of EFS service using AWS Backup, the following restored data will be stored on another new file system (different EFS) and not the directory in the source file system: Prerequisite: EFS on Dev, Staging, Prod system has been mounted, on this example we have 2 files […]
Installing SSM Agent on Managed instance
Please review the below. Hope there won’t be to much questions about you can try it yourself and give your feedback. Working with SSM Agent AWS Systems Manager Agent (SSM Agent) is Amazon software that runs on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, edge devices, and on-premises servers and virtual machines (VMs). SSM Agent […]
Docker Basic Commands:
docker pull redis ///// Download docker image from dokcer hubdocker run “redis” //// start new container and running the image. Container is environment for running some images – for example “redis”docker run redis:4.0 ///// start new container and running the image with specific version.docker ps ////// For showing status of all running Containersdocker ps -a […]